Saturday 2nd August
I managed an hour and a half around New Hythe today from 10am. As I left a Nuthatch called loudly from Birling Churchyard. First I have heard here since the winter. Very quiet bird-wise this morning around the lakes. 2 Willow Warbler huueeeting around the West Scrub, a brief burst from a Cettis Warbler, Mistle Thrush, Green Woodpecker and Sparrowhawk were about it.
I was principally looking for Small Red-Eyed Damselfly but no sign again as I searched through all the Red-Eyed Damsels. Still plenty of Gatekeeper around and a few Meadow Brown. I have started scanning all the Buddleia in desperation for Small Tortoiseshell - I haven'thad one here (or anywhere else for that matter for 2 years) 1 Slow Worm in the East Scrub. 3 Water Vole were by the divers car park bridge it was like Piccadilly Circus there so I managed to grab only one shot.

Red-Eyed Damselfly

Water Vole
Steve ,
Love that Water Vole shot , never tire of them .
The Red Eyed Damselflies have lasted really well this year , the Small must emerge any day now .
Oh my goodness a water vole.....I love lucky to see so many......that is a wonderful thing to share, thank you.....
See you found it pretty quiet as well steve. The birds are there.........somewhere, just good at hiding!!
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