Sunday 16th December

Over towards the railway line pit......I could see a small grebe diving at the end of the pit. I got my scope on it....a Black Necked Grebe....excellent!! It was very active diving and flapping.
Close by a Reed Bunting called and showed well. Over towards Abbey Mead the first of several Bullfinch called - there are lots of Bullfinch around at the moment. Today I had some really good views of males and females - they are very flighty though.

Again plenty of Teal on the river and 2 calling Cettis and lots of Redwing around. Back along the Millstream a Lesser Black Backed Gull showed well and a Chiffchaff called.
Nice pic. of the Water Vole steve. Black neck grebe eh! well if I had such a species here, I could give up birding, being well satisfied with my lot! I can share your utter frustration with the ignorance of the dog owners.Thick as sh*t!!
Charming photo of the Water Vole. Great to hear about the Black-necked Grebe, however it is rather annoying to know that I was there and didn't see it! Shame about the Goshawk, that would have been a fantastic tick for your patch. By having a public park as a local patch, I know exactly how you feel about dog walkers.
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