Friday 15th August


Later I had a very rare trip away from the immediate vicinity and took myself off to Queensdown Warren for a couple of hours. This is a fantastic Kent Wildlife Trust reserve about 20 minutes drive away. With the weather warm and sunny I was hoping for some good butterflies and as usual Queensdown Warren didn't dissapoint. Straight away the air was alive with Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns, Adonis, Chalkhill and Common Blue, Brown Argus, as well as singles of Comma, Peacock and Speckled Wood. My real target was Silver-Spotted Skipper that has been reintroduced here. I searched for ages until I eventually found a single one which posed for a few pictures. I am not sure what the density is here...but really pleased with seeing just one!
Another target was Autumn Ladies Tresses - a lovely Orchid that I have had here in previous years. i managed to find 10 or so spikes to photograph.

Silver-Spotted Skipper

Autumn Ladies Tresses
Common Blue
Large White
Fabulous photographs as always....I love the way you walk to discover....and take us with you....thank you for showing us the orchid...I love wildflowers....I managed to get a wonderful photograph of a common blue in my garden...I was thrilled.....
I have dogs but it makes me so angry when I hear that people have no regard or respect for nature.....My dogs are never allowed of their leads.....I never walk them in wildlife areas....even my garden has an area fenced of for wildlife, that way my dogs cannot disturb anything.....But there are dog owners, and dog owners....I love dogs, its their owners that annoy me......
Steve ,
Two outings in one day , sounds as if you have retired .
Glad you got your target at QW .
Those SSS are really hard to spot when they are in good numbers .
Great set of shots .
I still haven't found Small Red Eyed this year , worrying .
Well done with the Silver-spotted skipper! Great photos, I was at Queendown warren recently, see blog, and we also saw the skipper along with an essex skipper. We also saw the autumn ladies tresses!
Nice post Steve,
good selection of butterflies seen today.
I'll have to visit Queensdown.
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