Sunday 13th April
2 Nightingale today, one near the Brook House entrance and one still by the stile near the east scrub. Also the Whitethroat that I saw on Tuesday was refound in the same area - I managed a quick snap but it was very mobile. Other birds of note were 19 Blackcap, 12 Cettis, 11 Willow Warbler, 2 Sparrowhawk, a pair of Reed Bunting, 3 Green Woodpecker and 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Also 1 Grass Snake, 1 Slow Worm, 4 Newt Efts (not sure what species they are) and 3 Water Vole, including a 'new' one at the end of the Millstream near the entrance to Brooklands Lake car park.

2 of 4 Newt Efts seen today
Good weather for Newts steve, not sure the poor old slow worm thinks its so great! Nice shots.
Great set of posts this week, with good photos and interesting news of the progress of spring.
I must visit New Hythe again soon.
Nice shots Steve, the blackcap looks great.
Great photos Steve.
Good to hear these water vole sightings. I haven't seen one at the Staggs Brook for two weeks now. Your voles keep me going!
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