Saturday May 12th
I was at New Hythe for 5.30 this morning. I parked at the Water Works entrance. A Nightingale was singing as I left the car. Another Nightingale and a Cettis in the west scrub and 2 more Nightingale a Cuckoo and a male Bullfinch were the highlights before crossing the railway. Whitethroat were as usual very numerous.
Across the railway and along the river. More than 20 young Grey Heron were lined up along the far bank of the Medway below the Heronry and along the length of the riverside path. A Sedge Warbler sang from across the river. Reaching the sunken marsh over 100 Swift were wheeling and screaming over the marsh and towards the paper mill. At least 5 Reed Warbler and 2 Sedge Warbler were in the sunken marsh area with a single Turtle Dove and a Cuckoo on the wires.
Along the Millstream a Garden Warbler was singing and eventually showed well. Also along here at least another Cuckoo.
From 8am I joined the Leybourne Lakes bird walk until 10.30 - adding a pair of Sparrowhawk, up to 4 Water Vole, several Green Woodpecker, another Cuckoo, several more Nightingale, Reed Bunting, 2 Mistle Thrush, a Sedge Warbler, a single Sand Martin and 7+ Reed Warbler.
My first Banded Demoiselle of the year (a male) near the scrape. As I left at 10.30 I checked their traditional spot near the bridge close to Lunsford Lane. Here I had 2 males and a female which I managed to get a picture of.

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