I spent a lot of time at New Hythe today. From 6.30 to 10am with Greg Hitchcock and then 10 - 12.45 with the first Leybourne Lakes birdwalk of the year and then again for half an hour 6.15 to 6.45.

Little Gull on Brooklands Lake
Some really good sightings today, Terry Laws found a Little Gull on Brooklands Lake which gave some very good views and late PM a male Wheatear in the East Scrub area. I also added a Cuckoo (at last) calling close from the back of the sunken marsh.

Male Wheatear East Scrub

Buff-tailed Bumblebee
Other sightings of note included 8 Nightingale, 4 Sedge Warbler, 6 Reed Warbler, 7 Whitethroat, 1 Sand Martin, 5 Water Vole together near the divers car-park bridge - the largest number I have ever seen here. 2 Newt Efts were also seen. The adult Little Gull showed really well on Brooklands Lake. Early evening a Wheatear was found in the east scrub area it allowed a fairly close approach and then sat up in the bushes.

One of the most interesting sightings on our bird walk was the sight of a Water Vole 2 feet or so off the ground in a rose bush near the divers car park bridge. It had obviously scrambled up and was wondering what it was doing there!
Some super photos Steve
a good day out by the looks of it steve. some great birds recorded, keep it up mate!
Wonderful shot of the vole. He does look a bit nonplussed, but as I said on the WAB forum, I've seen footage of them climbing willow branches.
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