Sunday 27th January
I managed to get out between 3.30 and 5.30 this afternoon. I spent sometime around Brooklands lake Car park hoping for a Redpoll. No sign but two very confiding Chiffchaff and a flyover Rook - quite a scarce bird here amazingly. Back over towards the Millstream I spent a while observing a Water Vole. A Kingfisher, 2 Fieldfare, several Little Grebe and some calling Water Rail.
As it got dark I had some good views of a Bittern at the end of the Millstream (around 5.15, but still plenty of light)

Apologies for another picture of a Water Vole.
All pictures today taken with my old Panasonic FZ7 compact. Great little camera if anyone wants a good quality inexpensive digital camera.
Steve, NEVER apologize for posting pictures of water voles. :-)
Swap you a field full of rooks for a Bittern Steve!
Strange isn't it....I have seen more Bittern at New Hythe over the years than Rooks...that's what makes patch watching so absorbing...what is commonplace for some are absolute rarities for others....I have never seen Coal Tit or Nuthatch here and only ever one Yellowhammer!! I live just over a mile away and can see them easily where I live!
Water Vole, overwintering Chiffchaffs and a Bittern - that's what I call a day's patchwatching. You visited The Hornet's Nest a couple of weeks back, thought I'd pop in and see what your patch looks like - sounds great!
Mind you, noting Steve's comments, I see plenty of Rooks, Coal Tits, Nuthatches, and Yellowhammer (behind my house there's probably a flock of 100+ roosting right now!). Still wouldn't mind that Bittern though ;-)
I've put a link on my site to remind me to keep visiting - nice to see there's still plenty of patch watchers out there.
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