Saturday 21st July
I didn't get out during the day today but did set up my moth trap at New Hythe to try and catch something interesting for the Wildlife Day on Sunday run by the Country Park. We set up in the West Scrub area at 9ish and stayed until midnight. It was a fairly cool evening so not ideal conditions and we waited a good hour before our first moth arrived. We didn't catch anything too spectacular but our haul included: Drinker, Common and Dingy Footman, Fen Wainscott, several Shaded Broad Bar, a Latticed Heath, a White Brown Tail and a male Glow Worm!
Greg Hitchcock had a bat detector and we picked up several Pipistrelle and a probable Noctule. Also a few Brown Hawker around feeding on the mozzies.
Greg Hitchcock had a bat detector and we picked up several Pipistrelle and a probable Noctule. Also a few Brown Hawker around feeding on the mozzies.

Setting up the moth trap in the West Scrub
Managed to identify that Geometrid that we had in good numbers; Endotricha flammealis. No common name.
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