Saturday 14th July
A visit between 6.15 and 8am this morning. Quite windy but very warm.

I walked around Abbey Mead and added several young Whitethroat and next to Brooklands Lake 2 Speckled Wood, a Red Admiral and took some pictures of Common Water Crowsfoot.
Along the Millstream I saw an Emperor Dragonfly, several Blue tailed damselflies and 3 teneral Common Darter also a probable Small Red Eyed Damselfly (it was quite a way out and in the wind it was difficult to be sure) Also I had great views of huge Catfish in the shallows - one well over 3 feet long. Just by the rusty bridge near the scrape I managed to take a picture of a male Banded Demoiselle
I returned around 2pm for about half and hour as my daughter wanted to see some butterflies. In half an hour we saw 2 Common Blue, 1 Gatekeeper, 1 Small Heath, 1 Comma, 1 Peacock, 1 Large White, 3 Small Skipper and 1 Large Skipper. Also a Brown Hawker, 2 Emperor and good numbers of Large Red Eyed Damselflies. These were all seen around the West Scrub area/walk up from Brook House entrance.
Hi Steve
During a visit to the area on thursday I found a snake in the east scrub area which was so darkly coloured I was unable to see any markings......any thoughts?
Also saw five slow worms two of which were very small and three lizards.
Hi Phil, there has been a dark Grass snake around - they often go a darker colour before they shed their skin and sure enough a friend of mine found a Grass Snake slough in the area a few days ago. always interested in what others have seen.
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