Saturday 2nd June
A visit between 5.15am and 7am this morning. Lovely bright and sunny morning.
I parked at the Water Works entrance as usual and was pleased to hear that the Nightingale here was still in full song. The first of still singing here this morning. I crossed towards the divers bridge where a single Water Vole was sitting on the bank oblivious to my presence. The first of 4 Cuckoo was calling here as well as well as a Turtle Dove - atotal of 3 seen this morning. 2 Sparrowhawk flew past in quick succession and several Whitethroat were singing here - I counted 13 on my walk this morning. Also 10 Cettis singing across the area.
3 Lesser Whitethroat was the highest number for a couple of weeks, with one in the east scrub and 2 at the north end of Abbey Mead. Also 2 Common Tern briefly over Abbey Mead and latterly Brooklands.

Other sightings of note this morning were 2 Willow Warbler, 11 Reed Warbler, 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Green and 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Garden Warbler, 9 Swift, a single Sand Martin and two Shelduck on the river. A fox was being mobbed by Magpies by the Brooklands car park bridge

STRIPED SNAIL (Helicidae Cernuella) I think
Hi Steve, on my last visit the river path was very overgrown, I thought this was a public footpath on the OS maps. Do you think it will be cleared is it being allowed to fall into disuse? David
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