Sunday May 20th
A visit between 6.15am and 8.45am this morning.
Nothing too unusual on today's visit apart from a Small Copper which I haven't seen here for a few years. I managed to get a few pictures as it was early morning and warming up on Nettles at the north end of Abbey Mead.

Birds seen were very similar to yesterday - again large numbers of Nightingale, Whitethroat, Reed Warbler and Cettis. 3 Cuckoo, 1 Turtle Dove and 1 100+ Swift were around first thing but then scarcer as the morning warmed up. 1 Lesser Whitethroat was around Abbey Mead. As Sedge Warbler sung well in the West Scrub area.
I searched again for Green Hairstreak in the West Scrub - no sign as usual. I thought I had one momentarily but it was the day flying Burnet Companion moth - I managed a quick snap. Also I couldn't resist another go at the Four Spotted Chaser. These are stunning Dragonflies and are showing well in the West Scrub and are easy to photograph as they warm up in the early morning.

BURNET COMPANION - Euclidia glyphica
Great photos of the the Four Spotted Chaser, Steve.
Keep up the good work!
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