Sunday 21st September
Out at New Hythe today between 11am and 1.15pm. I was hoping for an Osprey....another was seen here yesterday following 3 seen last weekend. No such still remains a bird I have never seen here.
2 Water Vole showed well despite the huge amount of activity from the diving club around them. A Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker in the East Scrub as well a few Goldfinch. Over towards Abbey Mead a few butterflies showed themselves - Comma, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Small White and Green Veined White. Along the Mill Stream there were egg laying Common Darter, Migrant Hawker, Common Blue Damselfly. 7 Lapwing also flew over.

Speckled Wood

Red Admiral
Steve ,
That Migrant Hawker male is a superb shot .
If you're not careful , you might get accuse of using stuffed ones on string .
Yep, I agree with greenie, that is a superb shot. The others are good as well, you had your photographers hat on today steve.
Thanks! I was pleased with it!
Brilliant Dragonfly - there are a good number around here at the moment, but I can't get one to stay still in the air long enough to get anything like as good a picture as that!
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