Saturday 15th March
After a trip to Scotland and a busy time at home today was my first patch visit for almost 4 weeks. I managed to get out between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. The weather was amazingly mild, 17 degrees and overcast.
It proved to be a really successful visit. I started off with 3 butterflies in quick succession, my first for the year. 1 Red Admiral fluterring past in the west scrub then 2 Comma in the east scrub area. Also the first of 6 singing Chiffchaff here and 2 Green Woodpecker.
The best sightings came along the Mill Stream where I added my first ever Ring Necked Parakeet for the patch perching high in a tree calling for about 15 minutes. Then 12 Sand Martin appeared from nowhere as I looked over towards the line of Poplars alongside the railway. Then to cap in all a lone Oystercatcher was on a raft on the scrape, only my second ever here. So three new species for the year and a patch 'tick' - a good couple of hours.

Ring necked Parakeet
A good visit for you steve, What a good record the Oystercatcher is. Keep up the visits!
Some brilliant sightings Steve. I couldn't find the parakeets on Saturday, so I wonder if they've moved over to you!
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