New Hythe Wildlife Blog
I have set up this blog to record my bird and general wildlife sightings in the 5 mile radius of my home. This includes my local patch - New Hythe/Leybourne Lakes. This is an inland area of West Kent, a few miles from Maidstone. I rarely stray more than a few miles from this area these days. I live in a village called Birling which is at the foot of the North Downs and about 1.5 miles from New Hythe.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday 16th May 2nd post
My second post of the day. We went to lunch at my Mother-in-Laws in Walderslade this PM. I gave up twitching a long time ago but seeing as the lingering Iberian Chiffchaff was just around the corner I made my excuses for a quick visit. I was the only birder there at about 4.30pm. Bird showed very well and sang it's heart out for my quick visit.
Sunday 16th May
A visit between 8am and 10am today hoping for some Odonata or Butterflies in the warmer conditions. Added a Hairy Dragonfly along the MillStream and this Four Spotted Chaser near the scrape also a Common Blue Damselfly.
I searched for Grizzled Skipper and Green HAirstreak but no sign. Just a handful of Orange Tip.

Bird wise 6 singing Nightingale, a Lesser Whitethroat, good numbers of Reed Warbler and 2 Cuckoo. 6 Shelduck were on the Medway.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Sunday 9th May second post evening visit
I don't normally get the chance to visit in the evening but managed to wear the kids out enough to get them to sleep at a reasonable hour and after this mornings disappointing visit I thought I would have a stab again for a wader on the Medway. Phil had Common Sand and Greenshank this week and I haven't even had the Green Sandpiper........
When I arrived the river was full. I scanned from the small wood by the outflow but nothing around. I walked through the sunken marsh and then decided to scan down the Medway before returning home in the failing light. Glad I did as I made out a spanking summer plumaged Grey Plover down river. I broke into a jog and fired off loads of shots at ISO 1250 (hence the quality) A New Hythe tick for me (my third for the year after Alpine Swift and Whimbrel)
Sunday 9th May
Out from 6.45 until about 9am this morning. Cold and very overcast - where has the Spring gone? Ispent most of my time around the sunken marsh and scanning the Medway hoping for some waders, but no luck. A Turtle Dove was on wires on the far bank and Reed Warbler were busy chattering away and like the one below, preparing to nest. Clouds of hirundines again over Brooklands Lake which was great to see....spent some time scanning for a Red Rumped Swallow!!
Not much else to note this morning apart from 3 Shelduck on the river.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Monday 3rd May
Out today between 10.45 and 12.30 with my 8 year old daughter Iris. She was keen to see some butterflies. I didn't hold out much hope as it was cold and blowy and showery. Iris didn't quite get the 'blending into the background' approach to birding! We started off from Brooklands Lake car park. Clouds of hirundines were over the lake pushed down by the low cloud. A Cettis called near the fisherman's building but remained hidden, also a Reed Warbler here.
We walked around through the sunken marsh but didn't add much out of the ordinary. A Sedge and a few more Reed Warbler in less than ideal conditions. The Swifts were coming very low however and Iris was amazed that such small birds had come all the way from Africa. In a brief spell of sun we did see 2 female Orange Tip - so that made her trip worthwhile, especially as I managed a couple of snaps.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Sunday 2nd May
A visit today between 6.45am and 9am. Heavy cloud at first and then rain, which was eventually torrential from 8.30.
I parked at Brooklands Lake and walked around the lake towards the sunken marsh. Not as much bird-song due to the conditions I guess. What i have noticed this year is a welcome increase in Sedge Warbler numbers. Best sighting today was my first Turtle Dove of the year. I heard it call briefly in the sunken marsh and then saw it fly away from me into deep cover. Still no sign of any Sandpipers on the Medway that have been seen by others.
Good numbers of Nightingale - 14 heard this morning. The picture below is the typical view in dense cover.
I walked back along the Millstream but the rain was heavy now. I did pull my camera out briefly to snap this Garden Warbler (apologies for the quality but i didn't want to get my camera too wet!)
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Saturday May 1st

Friday, April 30, 2010
30th April 2010
A quick post work visit from 5.30 to 6.15pm. I parked at the Water Works entrance, next to a burnt out car. Not a great start.

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday 25th April

Garden Warbler

Common Tern
Best sighting was on the way home. The rain started to fall so I dropped in at Alders Lake hoping for another Tern to drop in. As I got out of the car I heard the unmistakable call of a Whimbrel. Looking up I saw 2 going over...a New Hythe tick! Also, for good measure there was another Common Tern in the pouring rain.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday 17th April
I can't seem to move my photos around so apologies for the odd format of this post.

Badger prints
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday 16th April
I had the day off today but was on Dad duty. I took the kids to the small playground by Tescos Lake hoping I might add a flyover to my year list. Pleased to add a pair of circling Common Buzzard and a Small Tortoiseshell. Really pleased with the later - hopefully this signals the start of a resurgence of this species. Also heard one Willow Warbler amongst the many Blackcap and Chiffchaff and a fly through Swallow.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday 11th April

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Saturday 10th April

Little Gull- Brooklands Lake
Later in the morning on a drive past after a visit to Tesco I added my first Brimstone and Small White of the year.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday 28th March

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday 27th March
A text from Eddie Denson at 4.45 that he was watching at Alpine Swift over his house, Castle Lake, Motorway Lake (Junction 4 of M20) I was there in 10 minutes and had good views as it wheeled overhead. At 5.30 the heavens opened for torrential rain and it disappeared. Hopefully it will be around tomorrow.
Also a Swallow and Sand Martin over.
Apologies for the rubbish pics but great patch bird! Cheers Eddie!