Monday 3rd May
Out today between 10.45 and 12.30 with my 8 year old daughter Iris. She was keen to see some butterflies. I didn't hold out much hope as it was cold and blowy and showery. Iris didn't quite get the 'blending into the background' approach to birding! We started off from Brooklands Lake car park. Clouds of hirundines were over the lake pushed down by the low cloud. A Cettis called near the fisherman's building but remained hidden, also a Reed Warbler here.
We walked around through the sunken marsh but didn't add much out of the ordinary. A Sedge and a few more Reed Warbler in less than ideal conditions. The Swifts were coming very low however and Iris was amazed that such small birds had come all the way from Africa. In a brief spell of sun we did see 2 female Orange Tip - so that made her trip worthwhile, especially as I managed a couple of snaps.
Hi Steve.
Looks like you and your daughter had a good walk.
Nice photo's of the Swallow's.
Not good conditions as you say Steve, noise pollution from the mill doesn't help when the wind's in the north. Nice Swallow pics though.
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